Transform Your Self Care and Health Care Through Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine

About The Book & Authors

Picture of Health provides a succinct, practical, user friendly manual for patients seeking to improve their health by integrating the best of both holistic and conventional medicine. Picture of Health is written by Charles Elder MD & Leslie Elder MD, and illustrated by Leslie Elder MD.

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Recommended Balancing Diets

VATA Balancing Diet

Favor foods that are sweet, sour salty, heavy, oily, and heating, while reducing or avoiding foods that are bitter, pungent, astringent, light, dry, and  cooling.  It is very important to eat fresh food, and to eat on a regular routine.

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PITTA Balancing Diet

Favor foods that are sweet, bitter, astringent, cooling, and moderate in terms of oil.  Avoid sour, salty, pungent, hot spicy foods.  Stay away from vinegar and acidic foods.

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KAPHA Balancing Diet

Favor bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes, while avoiding sweet, sour, and salty tastes. Favor light, heating, dry foods while reducing heavy, cold, and oily foods. Avoid sugar, sweets and frozen desserts.

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