About Charles Elder MD MPH FACP
Charles R. Elder MD, MPH, FACP received his MD and MPH degrees from Boston University School of Medicine and completed residency training in internal medicine at the University of Michigan hospitals. He served as a primary care internist at Kaiser Permanente Northwest (KPNW) for 30 years, and as the physician lead for the complementary and integrative medicine program at KPNW for 20 years. In this capacity, Dr. Elder offered a referral based integrative ayurvedic clinic for Kaiser patients, advising patients in the areas of diet, exercise, herbal medicine, mind-body practices, and other complementary medicine modalities. He has also provided leadership in shaping and implementing policy related to management of chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy, and other complementary medicine benefits. Dr. Elder holds a Senior Investigator appointment at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, where he has served as principal or co- investigator on a range of federally funded studies evaluating mind-body and other complementary medicine interventions in the setting of chronic disease management. He held a clinical faculty appointment at Oregon Health and Science University for over 2 decades, mentoring and teaching residents and students in both internal and integrative medicine settings. Dr, Elder currently serves as core faculty and Executive Director for the Fellowship MS in Integrative Medicine and Ayurveda for Medical Professionals at the College of Integrative Medicine, Maharishi International University.
About Leslie Elder MD
Leslie D. Elder MD received her MD degree from the University of Nevada School of Medicine, and completed residency training in family medicine at the University of Michigan hospitals. She practiced urgency care medicine for 15 years, during which time she also maintained a private integrative medicine practice focused on Ayurvedic herbal and dietary therapeutics. Dr. Elder is both an accomplished gourmet vegetarian cook as well as a talented visual artist. ( http://leslieelder.com/ ) Her work has been displayed in multiple venues through ORA Northwest Jewish Artists, the Oregon Watercolor Society, and in other settings. She is a member of the Oregon Society of Artists.